What You Need to Know About Pool Contractors

 When you decide to purchase a pool, you basically have two options in terms of its construction. You can go with a pool company that will actually have your pool manufactured in-house. Or, you can choose one that will have your pool construction completed by subcontractors.  

While either option can work, in-house pool construction is preferred by many buyers. They like working directly with the very people who will build their pools. If you have chosen or are considering this option, however, there are a few things you should know.

You Won’t Have to Listen to Excuses

When you choose in-house pool construction, your pool company will typically give you a completion date for your project. And, as a buyer, you can and should hold your company to this date.

Companies that use subcontractors may have legitimate reasons for not getting their pools completed by the agreed-upon date. After all, they’re at the mercy of their subcontractors.

Companies that build in-house, however, are much more capable and in control when it comes to completing projects. Of course, things do happen, like late shipments of materials or rainy days that delay construction. But, in general, you should have an easier time getting deadlines met if you opt for in-house construction.

Customizations are Easier

If you’ve requested custom features or have made other special requests about your pool, in-house building makes it easy to ensure your demands are being met. You can ask your contractor for updates on the pool. Plus, they can come to you if they run into any problems or need to make adjustments throughout the pool building process.

With subcontractors, your contractor is really just the “go-between” or messenger. With in-house building, however, you get the benefit of communicating directly with your pool builder, which makes it easier to get the exact pool you want.

Ultimately, there is nothing wrong with going the subcontractor route. However, there’s a lot that’s right about choosing in-house building. This is especially true if you want to have more control over and involvement in the pool construction process. Choose the option that works best for you, but do be aware of how these choices differ.

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