Risks When Neglecting Your Pool

When you buy a swimming pool, it’s easy to get caught up in the fun and excitement. This can lead you to overlook one important fact: a pool is a major responsibility. Swimming pools need to be cleaned and balanced on a regular basis.   

If you’re not the best about pool upkeep, you might not see your negligence as any big deal. After all, what’s the worst that can happen? Surely, your pool can go a while without care, right? Wrong!

If you need something to scare you into action, just consider these potential consequences of neglecting pool maintenance.

Risk #1: Algae Growth

Algae is gross and slimy, and it can completely take over your pool if you’re not careful.

If you let your water get out of balance or neglect to add in chemicals as needed, green algae can bloom, leading to murky water that no one will want to set foot in.

You might also find yourself dealing with black or yellow algae if you’re not careful, and each one is equally disgusting!

Risk #2: Pool Damage

Not caring for your pool can ultimately cause damage to the pool itself.

If your pool has a liner, for example, out-of-whack water balance can lead to cracking. Chemical imbalances can also lead to cracked tile. Plus, damage can get quite severe when a pool’s acidity level climbs too high.

Don’t let that pool you worked so hard for get ruined due to lack of care!

Risk #3: Cloudy Water

Even if you’re lucky enough not to have your water turn green, it can still grow cloudy and dingy. When this happens, it’s often because the pool is overly dirty or is not properly balanced. It can make swimming an unpleasant experience and, if the problem is left unremedied, it could lead to the development of dangerous bacteria, making your pool unsafe.

As you can see, a lot can go wrong when you neglect your pool. Thus, don’t do it! If you can’t commit to caring for your pool properly, then enlist the help of pool professionals who can come out and service your pool regularly. No matter how you accomplish it, pool maintenance has to be done . . . or else!

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