Yes, You Need a Pool Cover

After purchasing a pool, chances are that you’re ready to stop spending money for a while. Unfortunately, though, most pools need quite a few extras and accessories to help them function properly. 

While you may be able to skimp on some of these items, there is one item that you absolutely do need. That item is a pool cover. And, you shouldn’t just buy any cover either. Cheap covers, such as tarp covers, can often do more harm than good by failing to do their jobs and lulling you into a false sense of security.

Thus, even if you skip out on all the other pool accessories out there, buy a good, high-quality pool cover. It will ultimately reward you in many ways.

Pool Covers Can Save Lives

First things first, a good cover can absolutely save lives. Children are notorious for trying to get into pools when they’re not supposed to. With a strong, solid cover in place, however, your pool can be completely sealed off and inaccessible to children and pets, even if they walk on top of the cover.

You’ll need a cover that is made specifically for safety and that is designed to hold weight. But, if you invest in a well-made one, you can protect those you care about most.

Pool Covers Save Water Too

While saving lives is the most important function of pool covers, they can save water too! By using a pool cover when the pool is not in use, water stays protected from the heat. This leads to less evaporation, which means you fill up your pool less often and waste less water. This can help you to save money and reduce the size of your carbon footprint at the same time.

Pool Covers Are Sanitary

Finally, a good pool cover can go a long way toward keeping leaves, dirt, bugs, and general debris out of your pool. This means less cleaning for you and less of an “ick factor” when you go for a swim. Even better yet, a cleaner pool protects your filtration system, which means you may be able to get more years of use out if it.

These days, all kinds of pool covers are available. You can choose one that works for you, but do make sure that it’s high quality and capable of meeting all your needs. As long as you select your cover with care, it should be one pool-related investment that’s truly worthwhile.

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