Understanding Your Pool Cover Options

Pool covers are a must-have accessory for any swimming pool. Not only do they keep a pool free from debris, but they can also help to conserve water by reducing evaporation. However, there are a great many pool covers on the market today, and deciding which one is the best fit for you can be confusing. But, if you take some time to understand the different types of pool covers, you can easily “uncover” the right choice for your needs.    

Basic Winter Covers  

Some pool owners choose to only cover their pools in the winter months. If you’re one of them or if you want a specialty cover specifically designed for winter usage, you should be able to find many basic winter covers.  

Most of these covers look and feel like a tarp, though they do vary in thickness. Fortunately, these covers also tend to be quite affordable. In fact, they’re so cost-efficient that most pool owners can easily afford a winter cover and an in-season cover as well.  

Automatic Pool Covers  

If you don’t want the hassle of having to switch out covers based on the season, consider an automatic pool cover. These covers are typically quite costly, but they’re worth it for the convenience. They are installed on the pool as a semi-permanent fixture. Users simply press a button when they want the cover to roll over the pool’s surface or retract.  

Safety Covers  

Safety covers, sometimes referred to as security covers, do everything a basic cover would do. However, they’re also designed to keep people and pets from getting into the pool when it’s not intended to be in use. These covers are anchored to the surrounding concrete. As a result, they can sometimes be a bit burdensome to take off, which is why they’re typically only used when the pool is not open and won’t be open for quite some time.  

As you can see, there are many types of pool covers to choose from. In fact, these represent just a few of many options. Plus, you have variations on each of the styles mentioned above. So, while you’ll still have a lot of covers to select from, you can at least decide what type of cover best fits your budget and your needs and then shop within that category. This strategy should make the selection process significantly easier for any pool owner.

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