Do You Need a Pool Thermometer?


When you first install a pool and start shopping for pool accessories, you will find that there are many more than you ever would have dreamed. The truth is, however, that you don’t really need most of the fancy and expensive pool accessories that you’ll find. Instead, the items you truly need are typically the ones that are the simplest and most affordable, such as pool thermometers.  

What Do Pool Thermometers Do?  

Pool thermometers are very basic devices. Their main job is to record the temperature in your pool. Some also keep track of the air temperature as well. Closely monitoring these temperatures helps you to keep your pool comfortable. It can tell you when to invest in or turn on a heater, as well as when to dial it down. All in all, this may be a simple accessory, but it’s a very helpful one.  

A Wealth of Options  

Even though pool thermometers are simplistic, they aren’t all the same! You can buy a very basic, floating thermometer, which you can pull out of the water to check temperature, for next to nothing. However, there are also more advanced digital pool monitors that allow you to view temperature via remote control or, with some models, even via your phone. Many of these more advanced options also allow you to set alerts for certain events, such as when the temperature drops below or above a certain level.  

Having so many thermometer choices is great and allows you to easily control your pool in a way and at a price that works for you.  

Money-Saving Capabilities  

While pool thermometers are great for keeping your pool comfortable, they can do something even better: save you money! When you know the exact temperature of your pool, you’ll never turn on the heater when you don’t need to. Thus, you avoid both a too-warm pool and wasted energy costs.  

Ultimately, out of all the accessories you could buy for your pool, a good thermometer is one of the simplest, but also one that’s truly necessary. Thus, choose the right one for your pool today!

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