Should You Really Let Your Dog Swim in your Pool?

When you buy a swimming pool, the whole point is for you and your family to get a lot of enjoyment out of it. What you might not realize, however, is that this sometimes includes your furry family. While there are some dogs who wouldn’t go near the pool for anything, others absolutely love it. But, should you really let them swim? The answer, surprisingly, is yes . . . if you can keep a few precautions in mind.  

Avoid Excess Chlorine Exposure  

Often, pet owners are concerned that chlorine exposure is bad for their dogs. Thankfully, however, this is not necessarily the case. Just like with people, chlorine can irritate a dog’s skin somewhat, which can cause mild itching. But, beyond that, chlorine is fairly harmless as long as it isn’t ingested.  

To help curb irritation, don’t let your dog swim for more than a few minutes at a time. Most probably won’t want to anyway. And, when a dog is done swimming and splashing, rinse them off quickly to remove any excess chlorine.  

Ensure Constant Supervision 

Just like with children, you should never leave your pets unattended in your pool. This is true even if your pooch is a strong swimmer! Anything can happen in an instant, so a watchful eye is always needed.  

Stay in the Shallow End  

In addition to paying close attention to your four-legged friend, try and keep them contained to the shallow end of the pool. While even shallow water may be deep to a dog, they should find it easier to get into and out of this part of the pool on their own. Also, if you have a tanning ledge or in-pool seating, try and keep your pet in this area since they can easily swim to a safe, more shallow spot if needed.  

All in all, there is nothing wrong with allowing your dog to swim in your pool. After all, it’s your pool. Just make sure you’re careful about it and that you put your dog’s health and safety first. If you can do that, then you’ll truly have a pool that the whole family (furry members included) will love!

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