Easy Tips for Vacuuming Your Pool

As a pool owner, you should vacuum your swimming pool on a regular basis. Don’t worry, though. This is one piece of pool maintenance that most people find surprisingly enjoyable. Of course, if you’re in the minority and hate the task, you can always opt for an automated pool cleaner instead. Or, you could hire someone to do the job for you. Ultimately, though, if you decide to vacuum your own pool, these helpful tips should make the process very easy and effective.  

Remove Excess Debris First  

Before you get started on the actual vacuuming, take the time to remove any large or obvious pieces of debris from your pool. Be on the lookout for big leaves, large bugs, and more. When you find debris, remove it with a pool skimmer. The goal is just to get rid of debris that may be too big for your vacuum to handle. When you’re done, turn on the pump to get to work!  

Move in Smooth, Straight Lines  

Once your pump is on and your vacuum is set up, you’re ready to start vacuuming. Walk through the pool in smooth, straight lines with the vacuum head pressed firmly to the bottom of the pool. This will ensure you don’t miss a spot and that your pool comes out as sparkling clean as you want.  

Finish Up  

Once you’ve vacuumed the whole pool and are satisfied with how it looks, you’re just about finished. Simply turn your pump back on, remove your vacuum, break it down, and then let the pieces dry. It’s fine if you need to let them sit out overnight. Once the pieces are dry, you can then safely store your vacuum until the next use.  

As you can see, pool vacuuming is not the major hassle many people fear it will be. In fact, you may even be one of those pool owners who finds it peaceful and relaxing. Whether that’s the case or you decide to go the automatic or professional cleaning route, all that really matters is that your pool gets taken care of!

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