Is Your Pool Water Out of Whack?

When you own a swimming pool, one of your most important jobs is keeping the water properly balanced. You have to maintain the right amount of chlorine, the right pH level, and more. In order to do that, you’ll need to test your water regularly.. But, in between testing sessions, you should also be on the lookout for the warning signs that your water isn’t quite right.  

Irritation After Swimming  

Going for a swim should be wonderfully refreshing. You should step out of the water feeling great. What you shouldn’t feel, however, is irritated skin or eyes. If you’re feeling itchy and uncomfortable in these areas, it could be a sign that your pool has too much chlorine and that you’ll need to dial down how much you’re adding.  

Cloudy Water  

The water in your pool should be clear, cool, and beautiful. If, instead, it looks cloudy and murky, something is up! All kinds of water issues can cause cloudiness, such as out-of-balance alkalinity or pH. Either way, don’t ignore the issue. Test your water and get the problem under control as soon as possible.  

Green Water  

Going out to your pool only to find that the water’s grown green can be a real shock. What’s  worse is that this problem can develop quickly, sometimes even overnight. It’s usually due to algae growth, which can happen all at once in what’s called a “bloom.”  Essentially, when this occurs, something about your water spurred the algae to sprout into the big mess now in your pool. That something is what you’ll have to figure out, but it’s usually an imbalance of sorts.  

More often than not, your pool will let you know when something isn’t quite right. Thus, in addition to regular water testing, keep a close eye on it. If you notice any of the above signs or just anything out of the ordinary, get to the root of the problem and fix it right away. Typically, the longer you let water issues go, the worse they get. So, acting quickly is key.

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