Will Your Pool Require an Electrical Upgrade?

When you install a pool, you already know that there are lots of things to do (and pay for). However, one unexpected expense sometimes pops up: the need to upgrade your home’s electrical service. And, just in case it happens to you, it’s important to be prepared.  

A Simple Process  

Often, people balk at the idea of an electrical service upgrade. It sounds serious (and expensive!), but it’s really not that big of a deal. In fact, in most cases, it can be completed in a day or less. Essentially, all that has to happen is that your home’s ability to use electricity gets increased, which is typically done by installing a new service panel and a new meter, which your power company and, if needed, a skilled electrician can help you with.  

Who Needs an Electrical Upgrade?  

Different homes are capable of handling different levels of electricity. So, whether or not you will need an electrical upgrade in order to install a pool depends on how much electricity your home can handle, how much you’re already using, and how much electricity your pool requires.  

Even if you have a high electrical capacity, if you’re using it all, then you’ll likely need an upgrade, or at least some other professional solution to enable you to run your pool’s pump, lights, and other features. On the flip side, if you’re not using all of your electrical capacity, you probably won’t need an upgrade.  

Whether you do or don’t, however, rest assured that an upgrade is nothing to be afraid of. Thus, while it’s fine to be happy if you don’t need one—after all, it’s just one less thing to worry about—there’s no need to panic if you do.  

Talk With Your Pool Company  

Since hiring an electrician can be costly, you may want to find out if an electrical upgrade is likely to be required before your pool project gets underway. If so, ask your pool installer if they foresee your home requiring an upgrade. If they look at your home’s current setup, they may be able to at least gauge the likeliness of your pool requiring this essential step.  

There are always going to be surprises along the way when installing a pool. But, remember, if you truly want one, the important thing is just to keep pushing forward and to work around any obstacles that attempt to stand in your way!

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