Should Your Deck or Patio Slope?

When putting in an inground pool, people are often surprised (and sometimes a little upset) to find that, ideally, their patios or decks need to slope somewhat. If this describes you, don’t let this information deter you from putting in a pool. A sloping deck or patio doesn’t have to be an eyesore and, regardless of how you think it looks, it’s also very important!   

The Slope is Minimal  

When you hear that a slope is necessary, you might imagine your pool area appearing uneven and misshapen. But, that doesn’t have to be the case, nor should it be, when you use a reputable pool company.  

While a slope is vital for proper drainage and a cleaner pool, it doesn’t have to be very noticeable. In fact, the slope only has to be about a fourth of an inch for every foot, which is minimal. Plus, the slope can be executed in a clever way that no one will notice.  

Why it Matters  

Even if you don't’ love the idea of a sloping pool area, know that you really can’t “opt out.” A slope is important for a lot of reasons. One of the big ones is that it keeps water from washing debris into your pool. And, while you might not think that’s a big deal, improper or no sloping would mean a constantly dirty pool and one that you’d have to clean at least every day. And, even then, it would still be unmanageable.  

What to Expect  

Your pool company should talk with you about sloping, why it’s important, and how they plan to incorporate it into your pool design. However, don’t be afraid to speak up if you have any questions or concerns.  

Furthermore, know that you typically have some say-so in what your drainage plan looks like. If you want water run-off to be sent into the soil or diverted down a drain, don’t hesitate to make your preferences known. A good pool company can easily strike the perfect balance between what you want and what’s best for your yard.  

Ultimately, your pool does need to slope. But, with the right pool installer working for you, you won’t even notice it! Instead, all you’ll notice is the benefits that a proper slope brings you. 

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