What to Do with an Old Pool

When a pool is first installed, it’s a joyous occasion. Everyone is excited and can’t wait to dive in! But, as the years pass, you may find that you use your pool less and less and that you detest caring for it more and more. Or, it may develop problems that make it difficult to use, as much as you’d like to.Whatever the case may be, if you’re ready to throw in the towel on your old pool, you’ll want to weigh your options with care.    

Get Rid of It for Good  

If you’re absolutely certain that you’re done with your swimming pool, you can consider filling it in. This is a relatively quick process, but it can be costly. Typically, depending on the size of the pool and the materials used, you can expect to pay a few thousand dollars to have it filled in. But, once it’s done, it’s not something you’ll have to worry about any longer.  

Replace It 

For those who want or may want to use their pools again in the future, it may be wise to consider a replacement. In many cases, a pool can easily be replaced or repaired, though a full replacement can often be the best long-term choice.  

This is especially true if you replace your current pool with a fiberglass pool since they are long-lasting and low maintenance. While costs will vary for this type of replacement, you can expect to spend around $50,000 or more. However, you can check with pool professionals in your area to get more accurate estimates for your particular job.  

Repurpose It  

If neither of those ideas sounds good to you, you may want to get a little creative. Use your imagination to repurpose your old pool. You’d be amazed at the things people have turned pools into. From low-down patios to pretty ponds and gardens, pools have been repurposed in awesome ways. And, honestly, finding something to do with that old pool is way better than just letting it sit there!  

Ultimately, what you do with your old pool is up to you. Weigh the pros and cons of both of these options, as well as your own desires, to make the right decision.

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