3 Things to Look For in a Pool Builder

So, you’ve decided to “take the plunge” and put in a pool. Congratulations! That’s a wonderful decision that should bring you lots of joy for years to come.  

But, before you can get to the joyful part, you have to first find the right pool builder. And, while that can (and should) be a long process that you put a lot of thought into, there are some simple ways to know you’ve found a great one. In fact, if you can find these three things in a pool builder, it’s a pretty safe bet that you’re in good hands!  

They Bring Out the Photos  

To start with, a good pool builder is going to know that a picture speaks a thousand words. And, as such, they won’t hesitate to bring out pictures of pool projects they’ve done. In fact, if they’re truly good at what they do, they’ll be eager to show off their work with pride.  

On the other hand, if you encounter a builder who doesn’t have a lot, or any, pictures or who seems hesitant to show them to you, that’s not a good sign and indicates you probably need to keep looking. 

They Have A Clear Plan  

Professional pool builders who know their stuff have put in a lot of pools, so many that they probably have it down to a science. As such, they won’t hesitate to tell you the entire plan for your pool and what the installation process looks like from start to finish. They’ll be able to answer any questions you may have and provide you with a timeline for the entire job.  

Having a detailed plan helps you to know what to expect and how to prepare, and it’s a sign of a great pool builder. Builders without a clear plan or with very loose, unstructured plans are more than likely going to waste a lot of your time and make the process more difficult than it has to be.  

They Provide a Workmanship Warranty  

One final quality to look for in a pool builder is that they offer a workmanship warranty. This is a big one since this type of warranty is absolutely necessary for covering any errors or issues that are the fault of the pool builder. Without this type of warranty in place, you basically have no recourse if something goes wrong.  For even better protection, try and find a builder who offers a warranty of at least five years. This lets you know they have confidence in their work and that you can too.  

So, now that you know what to look for in a pool builder, what are you waiting for? Get out there and find one that embodies all of these qualities and a host of other great ones. If you can do that, your pool experience should be nothing but positive.

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