How Long Does Pool Installation Take?

If you’re thinking of putting in a swimming pool, you may be wondering how long the installation process will take. Will it be ready by summer? How long are you going to have workers on your lawn? 

These types of questions are totally normal, but they’re not always simple to answer. How long a pool installation will take varies based on the type of pool you’ve chosen, the time of year, and your pool company.  

Concrete Pools  

First things first, if you opt for a concrete pool, know that you’re in for a long wait. Typically, it takes at least a few months to build these pools. And, not only is the process long, but it’s also messy and noisy. Essentially, if you want a pool quickly and with minimal hassle, this may not be the best fit for you.  

Fiberglass Pools  

Fiberglass pools, on the other hand, are very quick to install. Typically, they can be ready to go in as little as three weeks or slightly longer! A big part of the reason for this is that these pools are made from a pre-built shell, so you don’t have to wait and wait for them to get built.  

Vinyl Liner Pools  

Vinyl liner pools are another quicker option. Typically, they only take about a month to two months before they are ready for swimming.  

Other Factors  

While the type of pool matters in determining how long installation will take, other factors come into play as well. For example, if you’re getting your pool built in the summer or very close to it, expect it to take a while. Summer is a busy time for pool companies, and they’re often swamped and working on several projects at a time. Also,individual pool companies often have their own unique timelines and processes for pool installation. Thus, if timing is very important to you, you can always ask your pool company for an estimate.  

Ultimately, most people want their pools done as quickly as possible. But, remember, speed is not nearly as important as quality. And, sometimes, the best things just take time.

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