How Long Will My Pool Last?

 A lot of people ask their pool companies how long their pools will last. And, companies will give them different answers. Sometimes, these answers have more to do with selling the pool or with the warranty than with the truth. And, honestly, even the truth is variable. How long a pool will last is greatly dependent on the care and use it sees, as well as on the type of pool you choose. But with that said, here’s a basic rundown of approximately how long different pools should last.  

Concrete Pools  

You may have heard that concrete pools last forever, and that’s partially true. The overall structure of concrete pools is very sturdy and can last indefinitely. However, the surface and finish will need care and refinishing about every decade or so. If you keep up with those tasks, however, there’s really no telling how long your concrete pool will last.  

Fiberglass Pools  

Fiberglass pools are another very long-lasting option. And, even better yet, they don’t require any

special care to last indefinitely. They don’t require refinishing and, generally, as long as they’re installed properly and receive basic maintenance, they just keep on surviving!   

Vinyl Liner Pools  

Unfortunately, vinyl liner pools don’t tend to offer the same longevity as the other two options. For one thing, their liner needs to be replaced frequently, sometimes as often as every five years! For many people, the cost of replacements becomes too prohibitive, and they give up on their pools. Plus rusting, leaks, and broken wall problems are all common issues that can spell the end (or at least some serious, costly repairs) for these pools.  

If you just want a pool to enjoy for a few years, go for a vinyl liner pool. But, if you want a pool for a lifetime, this one may not be your best choice.  

The Bottom Line  

As you can see, different pools have different expected “lifespans.” So, when you choose your pool, you’ll want to keep this information in mind, especially if you plan on using your pool well into the future.  

However, remember that the better you care for your pool, no matter what type it is, the more likely it is to last you for quite some time.

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