Can All Pools Be Customized?

Having a pool of your own is a real luxury. And, what better way to make your pool even more luxurious than by customizing it? People can and do customize pools into all kinds of unique shapes and sizes. They even add extras, like tanning ledges, diving boards, and slides. 

But, can all pools be customized? The answer is yes, to a degree. Plus, certain kinds of pools are much easier to customize than others. If you know this information upfront, however, it’s a whole lot easier to choose the right pool to match the custom vision in your head. 

Concrete Pools: If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It  

Concrete pools are built right for you in your own backyard. They’re made to fit the exact size and shape you’ve decided on. Thus, with that said, they can most definitely be customized! In fact, they can really be anything you want, as long as you have the right yard to accommodate the finished product. Oh, and you also need a deep wallet since customizations, while possible, can be extremely costly. Generally, the more complex or “out there” your ideas, the more they’ll cost you.  

Fiberglass Pools: Kind of Customizable  

Fiberglass pools are a great choice, but they’re not as customizable as concrete, or at least not in the same way. They are all made from pre-made molds, so you can’t just come up with an idea and then have a fiberglass pool made to match it, at least not realistically.  

But, there are a lot of different choices and designs already available. And, really, if you just shop with care, you can probably find a pool that’s exactly what you want. Plus, you’ll enjoy the easy maintenance and extreme longevity these pools have to offer.  

Vinyl Liner Pools: Costly, but Customizable  

Like concrete pools, vinyl liner pools can be customized. However, it’s typically even more costly and difficult to customize these pools thanks to the liner inside. And, given the fact that vinyl liner pools don’t have the longest lifespan, it’s often not worth the trouble.  

As you can see, customization is at least somewhat possible with most pool types. The key is just to choose a pool that can handle your customization ideas and bring them to life!

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