Benefits of Pool Automation

These days, a lot can be accomplished through technology. Did you know, in fact, that your entire pool and just about all of its functions can be automated?

Pool automation is very popular these days and can range from simply automating a few processes to fully controlling your pool from afar. And, honestly, as most pool owners would agree, the more automation, the better! After all, the more automated your pool is, the more advantages you’ll experience.   

Set Schedules

One nice benefit of having an automated pool system is that you’ll be able to create and set schedules for basic pool tasks. Maybe you want your pool heater to turn on and off at the same times each night. Or, perhaps you want to dictate when and how often your filter runs. Whatever the case may be, the best automation systems will allow you to set up simple schedules for your pool to follow and then to choose from these routines as needed.  

Go Away Without Worry  

As you’ve probably realized by now, having a pool is a major responsibility. In fact, many pool owners find it hard to go on vacation, even for just a few days, due to concerns about their pools. But, with pool automation, there’s nothing to worry about. Don’t hire someone to come in and care for your pool. Automate every care process and then go away without worry. It couldn’t be simpler!  

Upgrade As Needed  

Pool automation systems can be as simple or as complex as you like. The nice thing is that different automation tools are typically designed to work well with other tools, especially if you buy products from the same manufacturer. This means that you can always upgrade or add on to your system as needed without too much hassle, especially if you hire a professional to help you. Of course, if you want to keep things really simple, you can buy a complete automation system all at once and then just upgrade that, as one unit, whenever you need to.  

Ultimately, automation doesn’t look the same for every pool. Some people want to automate everything from when the pool lights come on to what time the cover goes over the pool. Others just want to automate a few basic tasks. You can pick the level of automation that works for you. But, don't be surprised if you keep automating more and more. It really is that convenient and advantageous.

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