Why WiFi and Pools Go Together


When you think of splashing around in the pool, you probably think of it as a time to disconnect from the internet and to just relax and be. Unfortunately, though, in today’s modern world, most people don’t want to be disconnected . . . even if they probably should be.  

For this reason, you should probably just bite the bullet and make sure you have WiFi enabled around your pool. This might mean moving your router to a different location in your home if you’re lucky. With larger homes and yards, though, you might have to buy a booster for the signal or even install an outdoor WiFi connection. No matter how you make it happen, you’re sure to be glad you have outdoor, poolside WiFi, even if you were a little hesitant about the idea at first.  

Play Music  

Many people enjoy playing a little music poolside. And, the way a lot of individuals access their music is over the internet. If you want to be able to play any song you want anytime you want, then you need to have WiFi outside, plain and simple.  

Relax and Scroll  

Let’s face it. The way many of us unwind these days isn’t by reading a book, but by scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, or other social media sites. If you want to be able to lay out and browse the net at the same time, poolside WiFi is an absolute must.  

Save Your Data  

Many people have phones with data plans that allow them to go online even when they’re not connected to WiFi. However, with most plans, the data is limited and costly, while browsing via a WiFi connection is free. If you want to save money and allow everyone who visits your home to use the WiFi, a poolside connection just makes sense.  

The Bottom Line  

Let’s face it. No matter how hard we try to fight it, we live in a world that wants and demands near-constant connection. And, while you may want to declare some pool days as “internet-free” for you and your family, there are going to be times when you want to get online outside. Why not just take the plunge and offer a WiFi connection outdoors? You’ll be glad you did.

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