Preventing Crypto in your Swimming Pool


When you own a swimming pool, your biggest concerns are probably keeping people safe from drowning and making sure the water is a comfortable temperature. Parasites and viruses living in your water is probably the furthest thing from your mind, but believe it or not, it’s a risk you need to take seriously. One major risk that has been cropping up a lot lately is Cryptosporidium, more commonly referred to as “Crypto.” It’s a parasite that can live in the water of a swimming pool and spread to others through swimming in infected water. It can cause diarrhea and GI related issues, especially in young children. Thankfully, though, there are ways to protect your pool against it.  

Avoid Swallowing Excess Water  

When you swim, you’re probably going to swallow some water. However, the more you swallow, the greater your chances of getting Crypto, at least if the water is infected without your knowledge.  

Thus, make an effort not to swallow any more pool water than you reasonably have to. While this isn’t a problem for most adults, children tend to make this mistake quite a bit. Thus, watch them closely and instruct them to be careful about excessive swallowing. After all, that’s dangerous on other levels too, not just in terms of contracting Crypto.  

Be Careful About Who Uses Your Pool  

Of course, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes. Thus, do your best to prevent Crypto from ever entering your pool. One of the main ways it gets into water is by having a person who has recently suffered from diarrhea swimming in it. Thus, avoid swimming if you or your children have had diarrhea or other stomach upsets recently. Also, if you have guests over, make sure they know that it’s not a good idea to swim if they’re experiencing or have recently experienced stomach issues.  

Enforce Showering  

Finally, enforce showering, for every person every time, before and after getting into the pool. This can keep people from trekking germs into the pool and can potentially protect them if they came into contact with any germs while in the water.  

Nothing in this life is without risk, including swimming. However, you can greatly reduce the risks and increase the chances of keeping you and your loved ones safe from Crypto and other germs and parasites by following these tips and keeping your pool as clean as possible.

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