How to Get the Most Enjoyment from Your Pool


When you first install a pool, you probably think you’ll use it every single day of summer. Often, though, as time goes on, people tend to use their pools less and less. If you don’t want to be one of those people, then you have to be adamant about making your pool a fun, enjoyable place to be, and about finding ways to encourage yourself and your family to use it daily. That’s the only way you can recoup the money you put into it and get the most bang for your buck!  

Use it at Night  

If you’re only using your pool during the day, you’re missing out! To make the most use of your pool, commit to night swimming every once in a while. You can make this easier to do by investing in some good pool lighting. You’ll find that it’s really fun to swim at night. It’s often more relaxing and quiet. Plus, it’s not so hot that you spend the whole time sweating.  

Also, at night, you’re more likely to spend your time actually in the water instead of outside of it. Nighttime swimming also offers a perfect opportunity for getting together with friends after dinner and drinks or for letting your kids have the sleepover of a lifetime.  

Make it Fun  

After a while, just swimming and floating aimlessly starts to be less fun. To keep up the “fun factor” of your pool, make it a place for play! Install enjoyable extras, like a pool slide or massaging water jets. Or, if you want fun that’s a little more on the affordable side, consider adding in a pool volleyball net or basketball goal. The more there is to do and enjoy at and in your pool, the more likely it is that you and your family will utilize it to the fullest.  

Heat it Up  

Finally, to really get maximum use out of your pool, install a quality pool heater. Depending on where you live, this could add a month or even two in terms of how long you get to use your pool each season. At the very least, it can make swimming at night more enjoyable.  

Ultimately, if you love your pool and are glad you bought it, that’s really all that matters. But, with that said, there’s certainly nothing wrong with doing all you can to make it more enjoyable and to enable you and your family to get even more use and value out of it.


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