The Truth About Pool Slides

Are you designing a pool that will be used by a child (or a child at heart)? If so, when you bring up the matter of a pool, chances are that the one, resounding request will be that it have a slide. And, really, child or not, pool slides are a lot of fun.  

Before you go shopping for one, however, make sure you understand a few truths about pool slides.

Installing Later is A-Okay

Sometimes, companies will push you to add on any extras, such as and including a pool slide, when you install the pool itself. They might even tell you that putting in a slide later will be very difficult.

However, this is typically not the case. If you’re on a tight budget and need to get your actual pool installed first, it’s totally fine to worry about many of the extras, including a slide, later on.

The one caveat is that you do want to leave adequate space around the pool area to install a slide if you know that’s something you’ll eventually want. But, as long as you do that, this is one addition that can definitely be handled later.

Shopping Around is Smart

When you spot a slide with a cool feature, like lots of curves or a spraying waterfall in the middle, you might feel compelled to jump right on it. After all, this is the coolest slide ever, right?

While you may find a good slide right off the bat, remember there are all kinds of slides to choose from. And, to truly get the exact one you want and that works for your pool, you should never just jump the gun. Instead, it’s important to spend some time looking into and carefully researching your options, which are a lot more varied than you might think.

These are just a few of many things to consider when adding or thinking about adding a pool slide. Remember, a slide, just like any pool add-on, is a major purchase and a major adjustment to your pool. Thus, never buy one without some careful thought, research, and planning.

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