Don't Make These Common Pool Mistakes

So, you want to add a swimming pool to your property. A pool can be a wonderful addition, providing, of course, that you go about it correctly.  

Do it wrong or make a major “pool mistake,” though, and you could find yourself faced with a lot more debt and many more problems than you bargained for.

To help you avoid these types of costly, frustrating errors, do your best to identify and avoid these common pool mistakes.

Going Too Cheap

Imagine this. You see a gorgeous pool on a television ad or in a magazine. It has a high pricetag.

You flip the channel or the magazine page and then you see the same or a similar pool but for a much lower price.

The answer probably seems pretty clear: go for the lower price. But, in reality, that lower price is often lower for a reason, such as inexperienced contractors or lower quality materials.

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t shop around for a great bargain, but you should not just jump at the lowest price you can find without doing your research. Often if the price is too low or seems to good to be true, there’s a real and dire reason behind it.

The Wrong Deck

Even if you get your pool purchase right, you still have to be careful about additions to your pool.

For example, you really need to choose the right deck. An aluminum deck is a commonly-pushed option, but it tends to not be a great, durable choice for above-ground pools due to the splash and rusting potential.

In fact, any deck can be a wrong choice if you don’t think about your needs, your budget, your pool type, and other factors when you make your decision.

These are just a few of many potential “pool mistakes” you could make if you’re not careful. For best results, choose a qualified pool installation company that will be honest and real with you every step of the way and that will help you to make decisions that are truly in your best interest, not just in the best interest of the company’s wallet.

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