The Truth about LED Pool Lighting

When it comes to lighting your pool, you have many different options to choose from, with the two most common being fiber optic lighting and LED lighting. Each option has its own pros and cons, but LED lighting, being newer, is often the most misunderstood. For this reason, it’s important to educate yourself on the truth about LED pool lighting so that you can ultimately make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for you.   

Changing Bulbs

A lot of people steer clear of LED pool lighting because they’ve heard that changing the bulbs is a huge, difficult ordeal. However, this really isn’t the case.

Good, quality LED pool lights are properly sealed, which means that you can raise the lighting casing and change the bulb outside of the water, instead of having to lower the pool water level to change it.

Yes, the disconnecting and raising process may take you a little longer than changing a fiber optic bulb, but it’s not nearly as complex or difficult as you may have been led to believe.

Illumination Levels

Not all of the “buzz” about LED lighting is negative. For example, some people claim that a single LED bulb can thoroughly light even the hugest pool. However, while LED lights do tend to be more powerful and give off more illumination than their fiber optic counterparts, that’s not necessarily true.

Depending on the size of your pool and the intensity and type of bulbs that you choose, you might need more than just a single LED bulb to get the job done. However, most people agree that LED lighting does provide better and more efficient lighting power overall.


A bad rumor about LED lights is that they are dangerous and pose a big risk of electric shock. However, if installed properly and changed correctly, they are every bit as safe as fiber optic bulbs, which are also quite safe.

Now that you understand LED lights a bit better, you can, hopefully, make a more educated choice about which type of lighting you want for your pool setup.

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