Getting Rid of Fiberglass Pool Stains

There is a lot to love about fiberglass pools. However, one thing that’s not so great is that these pools can and do stain.  

Fiberglass pool stains can be caused by all kinds of things, such as falling leaves and berries, metal in the water, calcium, and more. The good news, though, is that most stains can be removed with minimal effort on your part.

Try a Simple Approach

Before you try anything too crazy, take a simple approach to removing a stain. Grab a sponge and a gentle cleaning product made specifically for fiberglass pools. That second step is vital since other products could damage your pool’s gelcoat.

Rub gently at the spot. If it comes away, then you’re all done. If not, don’t panic. There are other cleaning methods you can attempt.

Grab Your Brush

When a soft cloth can’t get the job done, it’s time to try something more abrasive. Get a pool brush and rub vigorously at the stained area. If it’s an organic stain, it should lift with ease in most cases.

Other Options

If these methods don’t work, there are other tricks you can try. Rubbing a chlorine tablet over rust stains can sometimes prove effective. For metal stains, a vitamin C tablet may do the trick.

If you can identify the type of stain you’re dealing with, you can often find “hacks” like these to get the job done easily.

Commercial Stain Removers

If none of these methods work for you, then you can try a commercial stain remover. Choose one specifically made for fiberglass pools. And, for best results, consult with a pool professional to make sure it’s truly safe. The last thing you want is to seriously damage your pool just because a stain was getting on your nerves.

Wait and See

When all else fails, you may just need to leave the stain alone for a while. Yes, this means you’ll have to stare at it every time you swim. But, most stains will lift and fade away on their own if you give them time.

As a final tip, remember that it’s always best to prevent stains when you can. Cleaning your pool regularly and keeping your chemical levels properly balanced can stop you from needing this advice in the first place! 

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