3 Reasons to Select a Smaller Swimming Pool

When it comes to swimming pools, people tend to think that bigger is better. Thus, they’ll go out and buy the biggest pool they can afford. Unfortunately, however, this often leaves them with a cramped backyard and more pool than they know what to do with.   

Of course, that’s not always the case. Some people do love bigger pools, especially those who enjoy hosting parties or who have large families. But, not everyone needs an enormous swimming pool. If you think a smaller pool could suit you and your yard well, then consider these reasons to embrace small pool ownership.

Reason #1: You’ll Be Making a Green Choice

First things first, if you care about the size of your carbon footprint (and you should), a smaller swimming pool can take a load off your conscience.

For one thing, these pools don’t require as much water as their larger counterparts. You can also use fewer chemicals. Plus, if you decide to heat the pool, less electricity will be required.

This all leads to your pool taking less of a toll on the environment. And, even better yet, you’ll save money in the process.

Reason #2: You’ll Enjoy Easier Maintenance

Pools need regular cleaning and vacuuming to stay in top condition. Thus, the larger your pool is, the more cleaning you’ll have to do and the longer it will take you. With a small pool, you can get things cleaned up in just a few minutes, as opposed to the hour or more a larger pool can take.

Furthermore, if you hire a professional to do the cleaning, you can expect to pay less when your pool is on the small side.

Reduced cleaning time and cost mean that you get to spend less time worrying about your pool and more time enjoying it.

Reason #3: You Have Plenty of Options

Small pools have grown in popularity in recent years. As such, you can now find or design small pools in a variety of styles.

Go for a rectangular pool that resembles a lovely stream. Get a pool made just for exercise, or opt for a cute round pool for soaking and relaxing. The possibilities are endless.

As you can see, there are all kinds of reasons to consider a small pool. If you want something that won’t take up a ton of space in your yard and that offers all of these advantages and more, then explore this option further. You’ll be glad you did!

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