How to Keep Your Pool Safer for Children

Owning a pool is a lot of fun. However, it’s also a responsibility. Not only do you have to care for your pool, but you also have to make it a safe place for everyone who uses it, including children.  

If you have children of your own, this is especially important. Even if you don’t, you need to prepare for the unexpected. Children are naturally curious, and it’s not uncommon for neighborhood kids or your friends’ children to wander into the pool area. Thus, take steps to make your pool safer for little ones.

The Importance of Watchful Adults

First things first, if you know that children will be using your pool, you’re one step ahead of the game. In this scenario, it’s fully within your power to keep kids safe.

The best way to do that is to strictly enforce a rule that children do not swim without a responsible adult present. This should be a person who knows how to swim and swim well and who will not use alcohol while on watch.

If you’re having a party or other event, you can switch up responsible individuals to ensure everyone has a good time while the kids stay safe.

Take Away the Pool Toys

Nothing is more tempting to little ones than floating pool toys and other items that look “fun.” Thus, you can greatly reduce the risk by removing anything alluring when your pool is not in use.

In fact, in addition to removing any toys or other tempting items, cover your pool when you’re not there. That way, if children do happen to wander into your pool area, the pool poses even less of a threat.

Invest in a Good Pool Fence

Finally, make sure that you have a good, solid fence around your entire pool. Depending on where you live, this may be required anyway. But, even if it’s not, install one.

A fence, especially one that is hard to enter, can save lives and can keep your pool from being responsible for death or injury to a child.

Children can be unpredictable, but, as an adult and a pool owner, it’s your job to protect them. While nothing is foolproof, following these tips can greatly reduce the risk of a child being hurt as a result of your pool.

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