3 Tips for a Terrific Pool Party

Owning a pool means you get to do all kinds of fun things. For one, you can go swimming just about any time you want! For another, you get to host great summer parties that everyone will want to attend. With that said, if you’re planning a pool party, be sure to follow these helpful tips.  

Tip #1: Have a Backup Plan

No one likes to think about their party not working out the way they planned. However, pool parties are held outdoors. And, when you’re hosting an outdoor event, the unpredictable can always happen.

For best results, do try and choose a day with a nice, clear weather forecast. Pick one that’s not too hot and also not too cold. But, even if the forecast calls for clear skies, have some kind of backup plan just in case of rain.

Whether you move your party indoors for board games or snacks until the weather clears or you pick a designated “rain date,” having a backup plan can help to keep your party from being a disappointment.

Tip #2: Provide the Essentials

Guests are people, and people aren’t perfect. Thus, prepare for your guests to forget a few essentials. And, as a good host, you should also prepare to provide those essentials.

Assemble a few extra items for your guests to use as needed. A good list includes:

·        Sunblock

·        Towels

·        Goggles

·        Ear plugs

Tip #3: Make it Fun

Finally, as awesome as your pool is, people will get bored with just a body of water, no matter how beautiful, to entertain them.

Thus, spice things up with some fun activities and “extras.” Provide pool floats, in-the-water games, and food for your guests. This will keep them from getting bored and ensure that your event is the success you want it to be.

A pool party can be an absolute blast. However, without proper planning, it can quickly turn into a disaster. To ensure your party is the former, instead of the latter, follow these tips. If you do, you’re sure to end up with a splashingly successful party everyone will be talking about for days to come.

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