What About Trees?

When you choose to install a pool, you have to consider your yard in its current state, and this includes its trees. Trees can actually do a lot to hinder a pool project or to make a pool less enjoyable or harder to maintain. Thus, if you have trees in your yard, especially if you have a lot of them, it’s important to consider how they may impact your pool project and to discuss this with your pool builder 


A common concern people have is about whether or not a tree is too close to where they plan to build their pool. Ultimately, in most cases, that depends on your preferences. The best general piece of advice is for your pool to steer clear of the “drip line” of any nearby tree. After all, you don’t want to have to constantly pick leaves out of your pool or worry about perched birds pooping in it.  

Ultimately, though, if a tree doesn’t bother you, you want to keep it, and you’re willing to deal with the impact, it is okay to have a tree very close to your pool. If you go this route, however, prepare for regular tree trimming and its expenses, as well as increased care and upkeep for your pool itself.  

Sun and Shade  

Remember too that each and every tree near your pool can have an impact on how much sun or shade your pool gets. Often, you won’t really be aware of the effects until after your pool is installed. Some people who want a warmer pool will go ahead and opt to have trees that are likely to produce a lot of shade removed before pool installation. The good news, though, is that you can always remove trees after the fact. However, plan carefully if you do want some shade for your pool. Once a tree is removed, it can take a very long time to grow back and to provide the same shade-bearing effects you once loved. 

Ultimately, trees are wonderful, important things. But, they can impact your pool. Thus, consult with a pool expert about possible “problem trees” before installation commences. That way, you can make any changes necessary to improve your pool before it’s even built. Ultimately, though, what you do about trees on your property is your call, and you can almost alway change your mind later on down the road. 

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