Pool Patio Too Hot?

Pool patios are a wonderful addition to any in-ground pool and are highly recommended. They provide you with a place to relax and lounge around the pool. With that said, however, their one downside is that they can sometimes get quite hot, and since you’re likely to be barefoot in the pool area, it’s important to take steps to cool things down!   

Go for a Gazebo  

One way you can gain relief from the sun’s rays is to add a gazebo to your patio area. This option will only work if you have a large enough patio to allow for it. But, if you do, it can be a truly wonderful choice. Gazebos can be made in different sizes and styles and can add beauty to your patio. Plus, even when it’s not too hot, they're a wonderful place to lounge and relax. They’re also perfect for taking pretty poolside photos.  

Pick a Pergola  

Another way to add shade to your patio is to consider a pergola, which is essentially an outdoor roof that goes over your pool area. Typically, pergolas don’t offer full coverage, though they can, so they’ll still let some sunlight into the area while keeping it from getting too warm.  

Color It Cool  

If your patio is just plain concrete exposed to the sun, it’s no wonder things are getting heated! To help cool down the concrete, you can paint over it, which can also improve aesthetics. Just make sure you choose a light color since dark colors will absorb more sun and could potentially make your patio even hotter.  

Grab the Hose  

If you like your patio as is but just need a little relief on those too-hot days, there is one easy, fail-proof trick you can try. Just grab your garden hose, and spray down the patio. If you get it wet enough, your patio should stay nice and cool for several hours!  

As you can see, there are many possible solutions for a too-hot patio. In fact, these are just a few out of many possibilities. If you like one of these options or want to explore others, talk with your pool builder or other contractor to determine the best choice for you. 

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