Will my Pool Walls Bulge?

When you’re shopping for a swimming pool, it’s easy to get carried away and to start reading anything and everything you can about different pool options. And, while learning and researching are good things, if you do too much digging, you could find yourself reading a few rare “horror stories” about different types of pools. With fiberglass pools, the most common fear people develop is that their pool walls will eventually bulge. Fortunately, this hardly ever happens, and even better yet, there are many things you can do to keep it from happening to you. 

Purchase a High-Quality Pool 

First of all, if you buy a pool that is incredibly strong and well-made, it’s likely never going to bulge if installed properly. But, how can you know the quality of your pool or if it’s purchased from the best possible manufacturer if you’re not buying direct? The key here is to do plenty of research. Instead of reading about people’s bad pool experiences online, research the company you are working with. If they have good reviews and a long history of quality service, chances are they’re not going to leave you with a weak pool that will bulge. 

If you’re really worried, ask your pool company if they build their pools-in house or buy them from a manufacturer. If it’s the former, you can inquire about their process to give yourself some peace of mind. If it’s the latter, then you can find out who the manufacturer is and do some further research from there.  

Request Gravel Backfill  

If you’re still feeling anxious about your pool walls bulging, then request that your pool company use gravel as the backfill material, rather than sand. And, be sure to give the company some bonus points if that was their plan all along!  

The reason behind this choice is that sand, while a popular backfill material, can sometimes get overly saturated, which causes it to liquify and grow too heavy, which can eventually cause a weak pool wall to bulge. While that typically doesn’t happen when a pool is properly installed, it will never happen with gravel, which is why it’s the perfect option for those concerned about the possibility of bulging.  

At the end of the day, worrying about a new purchase is normal. The best you can do is to take steps such as these to alleviate your worries. Ultimately your pool might end up better for it. But, remember, don't’ worry so much that you don’t get to enjoy the journey toward owning a new pool.

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