Top 2 Questions to Ask a Swimming Pool Contractor

 Adding a swimming pool to your home can be incredibly exciting. However, it’s also a major decision that does come with some degree of risk. As such, you’ll want to use care and caution throughout the entire process, and that includes the process of hiring a swimming pool contractor. One easy way to vet potential pool contractors is to ask them two simple but telling questions. 

Question #1: How Long Have You Been in the Pool Business?  

First things first, find out how long the prospective contractor has been in this line of work. Obviously, the more experience the pool company has, the better, but you’re also looking for other things in the company’s answer. To start with, you want a company that’s 100% honest. After they’ve told you about their history, you’ll want to do some research to attempt to verify it. If, in the process, you find that the company added a few years to their experience, then that tells you that they’re not the most honest company around, which isn’t what you want.  

You also want a company that goes above and beyond to answer your question. The best companies won’t just tell you how long they’ve been in business. They’ll also provide references and pictures of past work to back up their claims. A company that takes the reins and goes the extra mile right from the start is likely one that will continue to do so throughout the entire pool construction process.  

Question #2: Why Should I Choose Your Company?  

This question is one that many pool companies aren’t expecting. It often catches them off guard, causing them to give a spur-of-the-moment, honest answer. If anything, it will allow you to see how quickly your pool company “thinks on its feet,” which is good if challenges are encountered with your pool project. It will also show you how much a pool company believes in itself and its abilities.  

Ultimately, there is a lot of competition in the pool building industry, and if a potential company can’t come up with good reasons for why you should choose it over all the rest, then maybe you do need to look elsewhere.  

Communication is key when selecting a swimming pool contractor. By asking the right questions and listening for what the answers really tell you, you can ultimately make the best decision about who to hire.


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