Why Cartridge Filters Win Out Over Sand Filters

When it comes to choosing a filter for your swimming pool, the two most common options are cartridge filters and sand filters. And, while both options have their positive aspects, cartridge filters almost always win out over their sand counterparts.   

Remove the Tiniest of Particles

To start with, cartridge filters are excellent at screening out even the tiniest pieces of dirt and debris. In fact, they can get rid of particles that sand filters won’t even notice, including particles as small as 10 microns in size!

This is due to the larger filtration area that cartridge filters possess. No matter the reason, though, the ability to screen just about every piece of debris, no matter how tiny, makes cartridge filters a clear winner.

Avoid Backwashing

In order to maintain a pool with a sand filtration system, regular backwashing, a process in which you reverse water flow, is entirely necessary. However, cartridge filters can take care of water all on their own, without backwashing work from you.

If you don’t want to give yourself yet another task to do and if you want to conserve as much pool water and energy as possible, saving yourself money in the process, then a filter cartridge is the clear choice.

Reduce Pump Pressure

Because of their efficiency and the simple but effective way they are designed to work, cartridge filters require a lot less pump pressure than sand systems. This reduces your overall energy use and costs, which is yet another reason that cartridge filters win out over sand filters.

Enjoy Beautiful, Clear Water

Because of how efficient and effective cartridge filters are, you’ll find it much easier to enjoy lovely, sparkling, clean water more days out of the swimming season than you would with sand filters. And, really, who wants to swim in a pool that doesn’t have gorgeous water?

All in all, cartridge filters are the true winner for most pools. While you should explore all filtration options and ultimately choose what works best for you, your pool, and your budget, carriage filters are often the best overall choice  in terms of both short-term and long-term benefits.

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