Fiberglass Pools: A Low Maintenance Option

When you buy a pool, you have to understand that you’re not just buying something fun that you and your family can splash around in. You’re also buying an object that will require regular care and maintenance.   

With that said, however, some pools are a lot less high-maintenance than others. And, fiberglass pools are probably your lowest maintenance option for a variety of reasons.

An Easy Balancing Act

With a lot of pools, you have to regularly add the proper acids and other chemicals in order to keep your pool properly balanced. This is typically because the pool, such as is the case with concrete pools, is alkaline-based or otherwise reacts with the pool chemicals you apply.

With fiberglass pools,  however, you don’t have to worry about alkaline interfering with or impacting the chemicals you add. These pools are chemically non-reactive or “inert,” which means they do not have an impact whatsoever on the chemical composition or pH of the water.

You will have to add chemicals as needed with a fiberglass pool, and you may have to adjust the pH once or twice a year, but you definitely won’t be pouring chemicals in every single day the way you might with a concrete pool.

No “Brush-Off”

You’ll also find that you don’t have to brush the walls of fiberglass pools nearly as often as you would with other pool options.

Since you don’t have a  rough, porous surface to deal with, you typically won’t have as much (or any) algae growth to contend with either.

And, since riding a pool of algae “invaders” is the main reason to brush it regularly, if you eliminate this risk, then you also eliminate the need for regular brushing.

This isn’t to say, of course, that you shouldn’t keep a fiberglass pool clean and well-cared for, but you won't have to put nearly as much effort into the job as you would with another type of pool.

At the end of the day, no pool is going to be “no maintenance.” But, some pools are a lot more low-maintenance than others. And, if you want the lowest maintenance option of all, then you want to choose a fiberglass pool.

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