Why You Need a Tanning Ledge

One of the best things about putting in your own swimming pool is that you can design it exactly like you want. You get the fun of choosing from lots of different features.

However, one of the most in-demand features in recent years is an in-pool tanning ledge. This is an area, often with a built-in chair or ample room for lying down, that allows you to be partially in the water, while still letting you spread out and get some sun.   

It’s a great pool feature to have for many reasons.

Stay Cool While You Sun

Laying out and getting a tan feels great . . . at least until you get too hot.

When that happens, you’re forced to pack up and go back in, or to jump in the pool and get all wet. At least, those are your only options if you don’t have a tanning ledge.

With a tanning ledge, you’ll never get overheated in the first place since you’ll have the cooling water right there. Plus, you’ll never have to submerge yourself in the water either. Basically, it’s the best of both worlds. You get to stay cool (but not drenched) while you tan.

It Doubles as a Kiddie Pool

Tanning ledges might be for catching some rays, but they’re also a perfect place for the kids to play.

The water in these areas is not deep at all, and they can be designed to be self-contained. Thus, they often double perfectly as a splash zone or a safe play area for the kids

Stay in the Sun

Sometimes, it can be difficult to stay in the sun while you tan.

Lying on a raft, for example, makes it all too easy to float away from the sunlight. And, as the day progresses, even chairs or towels often have to be moved to different locations on the patio.

A tanning ledge, though, can be installed at the perfect place in your pool- a place that’s guaranteed to have sun exposure throughout the whole day.

Of course, proper placement does take some real know-how on the part of your pool contractor, but any quality professional should be able to handle the job!

As you can see, there are definitely some major advantages to having a tanning ledge. If you think this option sounds like a good fit for you, then talk to your pool contractor. Together, you can come up with plans for a perfect tanning ledge that’s everything you want it to be and more.

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