Be Prepared for Hidden Pool Costs

Everyone knows that installing a swimming pool can be expensive. However, sometimes the costs come in where you least expect them. To keep you clear of any unwelcome surprises, educate yourself on some of the common, hidden costs of installing a pool. That way, if they pop up during your pool project, you’ll know what to do.     

Retaining Walls

Some pool installation jobs will require a retaining wall. These are walls that offer greater stability to your pool and that enable your lawn to drain properly.

Unfortunately, contractors often can’t tell for certain if a retaining wall will be required until after the pool is installed. And, since retaining walls can get fairly pricey, you’ll want to budget for them ahead of time.

Thus, if there’s even a slight chance you might need a retaining wall, have its cost factored into your quote. If you don’t end up needing one, it’s just money saved. And, if you do, at least you budgeted for it!

Dirt Hauling

Contractors have to, quite literally, dig up a spot in which to place your in-ground pool. And, as you can imagine, all that digging leaves a lot of dirt behind.

That dirt has to go somewhere! Unless the amount is small enough that it can be spread out on your lawn, you’ll likely need to have it hauled away. Dirt hauling can get pricey, which is why it’s best to work with a contractor who takes care of this service for you.

If you can’t find such a contractor, budget for the hauling service ahead of time.


Finally, bear in mind that fencing is required around pools. The exact type of fencing, the height, and other factors are typically determined by local laws.

Regardless of the type of fencing you’re mandated to have, though, it doesn’t come cheap!

Don’t make the mistake of not thinking about fencing until after the pool is installed or of not including it in your budget. It’s every bit as important as the pool itself.

Believe it or not, these are just a few lesser-known swimming pool costs. Make sure you research any and all possible pool-related costs, that you have a good, honest contractor to rely on, and that you plan for all possible expenses. It’s the only way to ensure your swimming pool project goes off without a hitch!

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