Where to Buy Swimming Pool Products

Once you’ve installed a pool, you’re not done making purchases for that pool.  

In fact, unless you’re hiring a swimming pool service to handle all the care and upkeep of your pool, you’re going to be buying chemicals and pool supplies for many years to come.

That’s not a bad thing. It’s just part of the responsibility of being a swimming pool owner. But, where should you buy your pool supplies? The best answer is through a specialty pool store or, even better yet, from the company that sold you the pool!

You Want People Who Know Pools

First things first, you don’t want to just guess about what chemicals or supplies you need. That could cause serious problems for your pool. And, while you could do research online, you’ll likely get much better results by following the advice of swimming pool experts.

Typically, these are the people who sell pools and/or who own specialty shops related to pools and pool supplies.

If the company who sold you your pool also sells supplies, definitely go with them as your first choice. After all, they don’t just know pools. They know your exact pool and its needs.

If you can’t do that, ask your pool seller for recommendations on who to go to for supplies and advice. It can make a world of difference!

Avoid the Big Box Stores

You may be wondering: “Why can’t I just go to Wal-Mart or some other ‘big box’ store for my pool supplies?”

You could do that. And, you might be tempted to since these stores are often quite cheap.

However, you’ll get nothing in the way of advice, at least not knowledgeable advice, from these types of retailers. Plus, the chemicals and products they sell are often of a lower-quality than what you’d find at a specialty store. Do you really want to “go cheap” or take chances with your pool?

Remember, your pool is a big investment, one that you want to last for many years to come. As such, take pride in your pool and settle for nothing but the best, even if that means spending a little bit more at the specialty stores. In the end, your pool will thank you for it.

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