Should You Stick with Your Pool Contractor?

So, you’ve found a great swimming pool contractor. But, now that it’s time to sign your contract, you’re having cold feet.     

Don’t worry. It’s totally normal to be a bit nervous before making this type of major decision. However, if you’ve done your research, then you likely have nothing to worry about, especially if your contractor exhibits these good signs!

They’re Properly Insured

Every good swimming pool contractor should be properly insured. That means having verifiable general liability coverage and worker’s compensation.

If your contractor has these things, you’re protected in the event of an accident or damage during your pool installation. Furthermore, this is a good sign that your contractor truly has their ducks in a row in general.

They’ve Got an Impressive History

If your contractor has shown you work they’ve done in the past, that’s a great sign! It’s even better if you found the work to be impressive and attractive.

Always ask your contractor to see a finished product of a pool that’s at least similar to what you’re going for. If you like what the contractor has done in the past, then there’s a great chance you’ll love what they do for you.

They’re Using Quality Materials

Finally, take a look at the quote your contractor drew up for you. If it’s itemized, then you’re already off to a good start since your contractor isn’t trying to hide anything from you.

As you look through the items being used in your pool construction, are they high quality? Does your contractor use the strongest and best materials . . . even if it means charging you a little more?

If the answer to these questions is yes, then chances are you’re all set for a pool you can be happy with for years to come!

So, how does your contractor stack up? If they meet all these criteria, then you’re probably good to go. If they haven’t quite measured up, however, then you may want to do a little more research and ask a few more questions before you move ahead with your pool project.

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