Simple Safety Tips for Your Inground Pool

So, you want to install an inground pool! If you go ahead with it, you’ll likely enjoy years of fun splashing around in your own backyard. However, a pool can be a dangerous thing. And, for that reason, you’ll also need to be responsible and take certain safety measures to make your pool as safe as possible.    

Install A Fence

First of all, whenever you install a pool, you also need to install a sturdy fence.

This will keep unwanted “visitors” out of your pool, which helps to protect you from accidents and related liability. It can also keep children and pets from wandering into the pool area unsupervised.

Depending on where you live, if you have an HOA, and various other factors, there may be certain rules regarding your pool fence, so definitely make sure you research and follow these regulations carefully  before you choose one.

Be Careful About Kids

While your pool fence can keep children out of the pool area, you definitely need to carefully supervise any kids you allow in.

Have a policy that children never, ever swim alone, no matter how strong of swimmers they may be. Also, consider installing alarms or even entry codes on your pool gate so that you’ll be made aware if a child attempts to break this rule.

Keep Rescue Equipment Onhand

Despite your best efforts to prevent them, accidents and injuries may still occur at your pool. Thus, prepare and equip yourself to handle them as well as possible.

Never go to the pool without your phone by your side, have flotation devices and rescue equipment handy, and always have a stocked first aid kit easily and readily available. These items are likely to come in handy more often than you think!

Remember, as fun as a pool is, it’s also a responsibility, so take it seriously by following these tips as carefully as possible.

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