The Great Debate-Pool vs. Boat Ownership

As a water enthusiast, pool ownership has always been your dream; however you've also considered buying a boat and are not sure which one is a better time and enjoyment investment.  Here are some things to ponder in attempting to work through the decision process.   

The biggest thing to weigh when it comes to boat or pool ownership is about convenience and maintenance.  I love the thought of a boat if you're living on the water.  Boat ownership is more of a challenge if you have to haul it back and forth after a day on the lake.  Planning a day on the boat requires forethought and not something you can just enjoy immediately.  Boats also require a ton of tender loving care.  They require constant maintenance from routine cleaning to fixing the multiple issues that arise with any expensive 'toy.'  For many, boating is genuinely a hobby, and all the steps taken to get on the water is just apart of the process and a welcomed task.  Caring for a boat is hard work and can be very rewarding.

Pool ownership, on the other hand, promotes immediate gratification.  It is a great way to entertain, and people of all ages and abilities can enjoy it.  The kids can enjoy playing water games while parents lounge on the pool deck.  A swimming pool is a great way to bring your community of friends and family together, and it can be enjoyed on the spot!  While the initial investment is comparable to a boat with the introduction of fiberglass pools and saltwater generators, the overall maintenance cost is far less than boat ownership.

The convenience and low maintenance of swimming pools make it the top investment for many families over boat ownership.   An activity that can be enjoyed by many regardless of age is the primary reason people choose to pool!

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