So Cool to Swimming Pool

Swimming pools are not just for kids!  Without question, pools are a great hot spot for all the Mom's, and there are numerous reasons why!   

There is nothing quite as refreshing as lounging by a pool on a hot summer day, and the only way it could be better is if you have your own.  Moms are typically the ones responsible for preparing and packing up all the supplies needed for a day at the community pool—snacks, towels, goggles, water wings, noodles, and the kitchen sink.  Let's face it, packing up all that stuff, inevitably forgetting some critical item (can you say sunscreen) is brutal.  Avoiding all that hassle and just walking out your back door, forgoing a drive, to your water wonderland is merely fantastic!

Another reason moms love a swimming pool is it encourages the kids to assemble at home.  Your home becomes the hang-out spot, and you can keep a watchful eye on all the activity.  Helps keep every person safe and out of trouble.  This alone allows one and all to relax, and while the kids play, the moms can gather poolside for a stay-at-home GNO.  Besides all that, it's an excellent activity that encourages family time away from all the technology and distractions.  Whether you're soaking up the sun or doing a few water exercises, the backyard pool promotes health and wellness for all!  Finally, having a built-in party venue is the cherry on top of the sundae, as throwing a pool party is a great way to ensure a grand celebration for all!

Your initial desire for a swimming pool was motivated with the kids in mind.  Little did you know that you’d end up loving it more than they do!

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