Do You Need a Pool Safety Alarm

Many pool owners worry about people entering the pool area when they’re not supposed to. If you’re one of them, consider purchasing a pool safety alarm. These are alarms that alert you whenever objects above a certain weight enter the water. They are great for improving your peace of mind and can definitely be useful in certain situations. In fact, if any of the following situations apply to you, take it as a surefire sign that you need to have an alarm installed.   

You Have Lots of Children Nearby

Whether you have young children of your own or a neighborhood full of them, a safety alarm is probably a good idea. Children are naturally curious. No matter how many signs you put up or how often you lecture your kids, there’s always a chance they would sneak down to the pool. And, when children swim alone, bad things can happen. Thus, it’s best for their safety and your sanity that you have a pool alarm. Hopefully, you’ll never need it, but it’s nice to know it’s there just in case.

You’re Worried About Trespassers

Many pool owners have experienced uninvited “guests” coming onto their property and using their pools. It’s hard to believe that people could be so brazen, but it does happen. If it’s happened to you in the past or you’re worried about it happening, a pool alarm is a great choice.

Some of these alarms will actually alert you, via a text or other notification, to people in your pool when you’re not around. At the very least, your alarm should make a loud noise that will send those trespassers scurrying and scare them away from coming back.

You’re An Animal Lover

Finally, if you have pets or just a big heart for animals, you’ll likely benefit from a pool alarm. It can let you know if your pet or a wandering neighborhood pet falls into the water. In fact, it can alert you if any large-enough animal, like a squirrel or a raccoon, happens to fall or jump in. Not only might this mean saving an animal’s life, but it could also mean seeing some pretty cool things, like a deer drinking from your pool!

As you can see, pool safety alarms are a good investment for some people. If you think an alarm could work for you, then start shopping. These alarms tend to be very reasonably priced and easy to install, so you really have nothing to lose!

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