Don't Make These Mistakes Putting in Your Fiberglass Pool

So, you’re in the market for a fiberglass pool! That’s great because you’ve already chosen one of the best pool options that money can buy. However, know that there is a lot of misinformation about fiberglass pools, so you’ll need to do your own careful research and take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Furthermore, you’ll also want to avoid some of the most common mistakes people make when buying these pools.  

Mistake #1: Not Getting a Manufacturer’s Warranty  

Because swimming pools are very expensive purchases, you need some kind of protection to ensure your money doesn’t go to waste. Luckily, that’s exactly what a good fiberglass pool warranty should provide. Thus, only choose pools with a manufacturer’s warranty included, and make sure you read through the whole warranty carefully to verify it’s really as good as it sounds.  

Mistake #2: Not Requesting (Or Following Up On) References 

Finding the right pool company feels wonderful, but don’t just “go with your gut” to make this big decision! With any pool company, no matter how great they seem, always ask for a reference list, and then actually take the time to follow up with those references and ensure they have positive things to say about their experience with the company. You’d be surprised at how many people skip one or both of these steps . . . only to pay for it later on down the line.  

Mistake #3: Cutting Corners  

Because putting in a swimming pool is costly, a lot of people are tempted to cut corners in order to try and save money. And, while there’s nothing wrong with being cost-conscious, make sure you consider the long-term impact of each decision you make. You might, for example, think you’re saving money by opting for a cheaper pump, only to realize it’s a lot less efficient than the more expensive option. By all means, save money, but do it in ways that affect your long-term savings and value, instead of just focusing on the upfront cost.  

As you can see, it’s very easy to make a mistake when buying a pool. But, it’s also quite easy to avoid mistakes too, at least if you’re making a conscious effort to be smart and informed throughout the buying process. And, avoiding these mistakes is a great way to start!

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