Do Pools Increase Home Value?

 There is a lot of debate as to whether or not swimming pools increase the value of a home. In some cases, they absolutely do, while, in others, they may drive down the value and make a home less desirable. Ultimately, though, this has more to do with the type of pool installed than it does with just whether there’s a pool or not. While some pool options tend to drive down home value, others can drive it up.  

The Maintenance Factor  

When prospective buyers see that a property has a pool, some of them think, “what fun!” Others, however, think, “what work!” People in this second category see maintenance and hassle in their future, especially if the pool is crafted from a higher-maintenance material. 

Vinyl liner pools are a perfect example of a high-maintenance pool since they have liners that have to be replaced every few years. Conversely, fiberglass pools and concrete pools are lower-maintenance options.  

Thus, for those who like pools but hate maintenance and the prospect of added expenses, a fiberglass or concrete pool can be a selling point, while a vinyl pool can be a dealbreaker. These types of feelings and conceptions will undoubtedly affect home value.  

You Can’t Please Everyone . . .  

With that said, it’s easy to see that, for most people, the right, well-made pool is an asset. Of course, every person is different and will have different preferences and desires. Your pool won’t make every prospective buyer happy and could even cost you a sale or two. But, it will make the right buyer happy.  

So Please Yourself!  

If you want a pool, don’t worry too much about when you sell the home. Put in a great, quality pool, take care of it, and then, when the time comes to sell, list your home for the maximum value possible.  

At the end of the day, yes, some people might shy away from the pool or come up with lower offers on account of it. But, with a little luck, you can easily find someone who loves your pool and who thinks it’s worth a little (or a lot) extra.

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