Bigger Isn't Always Better

When you’re considering adding a pool to your property, you may be tempted to go with the biggest and best pool that you can find. What you need to understand, however, is these two terms don’t always go together.   

Sometimes, a smaller pool can actually be a better option, especially if you have a smaller yard and/or a smaller family to go along with it. And, even if you don’t, a smaller fiberglass pool may still be a better choice for you depending on what you value and various other factors.

An Environmentally-Conscious Choice

First things first, if you’re already feeling guilty about installing a swimming pool and the environmental impact it will have, make yourself feel better with a smaller pool. These pools, once installed, use less water, require less electricity, and even use fewer chemicals than their larger counterparts. All of that enables you to own a pool without having too bad of an impact on Mother Earth.

Continue Enjoying the Rest of Your Yard

When you install a large and in-charge swimming pool, it can often take up all or most of your yard. That can leave little room for things like dining outdoors, letting the kids run around and play, or anything else. If you keep your pool on the smaller side, however, you can still have space for the family to enjoy other outdoor activities, which is something you’ll be especially grateful for come winter.

Easy, Peasy Cleaning

Finally, when it comes time to clean your pool, which you must do regularly, you'll be glad it’s not giant! Big pools mean devoting major time to cleanup and maintenance. Smaller pools, on the other hand, can often be cleaned in just a few minutes of your time, allowing you to do more with your summer than just maintain your pool.

While there’s nothing wrong with a big pool, not everyone feels comfortable with the same level of work and commitment. Also, not everyone needs a big pool to be happy. Thus, consider your own wants and needs carefully and weigh the pros and cons of any pool size. With some real thought, it should be easy to choose a pool that’s just the right size for you.

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