Saltwater Swimming Pools

You've decided to install a salt generator in your new swimming pool.  What you didn't know is that there are several salt options to consider.  

Salt generators have grown in popularity in the last decade. These salt generators tend to be low in maintenance and gentler on the skin, eyes, and hair.  Your builder reviewed all the necessary procedures, but now that you're on your own, you realized you have questions.  The one thing you didn't think to ask about is what type of salt is best for your saltwater system.  Three different types of salt can be used in your pool, and you're not sure which is best to maintain water chemistry and prolong the salt generator's viability.

Salt chlorine generators multiplied rapidly, and the science behind this new technology had very few case studies leaving many pool companies uncertain.  Knowing the best salt product to recommend when so little was known initially, created confusion.   While there are numerous types of salt, only solar, mechanically evaporated, or mined salt should be used with your pool.

The first option is solar salt.  Solar salt is produced directly from seawater that the sun evaporates and often consist of sea impurities.  These impurities require your salt generator to work harder to create chlorine.  Mechanical salt is like solar, but instead of the sun evaporating the water, generated heat does the job.  This, in turn, produces evaporated salt with contaminants like iron, copper, calcium, and phosphates.  These minerals are not ideal for your pool and will require significant effort in keeping the water balanced.  The final and best option is mined salt.  It's the purest of salts, and while more expensive up front, it will save you, in the long run, being gentler on your generator.

Cutting corners when it comes to the type of salt you use for your pool isn't recommended.  Although minded salt may cost a few more dollars per bag, it's well worth the expense in prolonging the life of your saltwater generator.

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